The struggle is real: Chocolate Chip Cookies!



I found it! I’ve figured out the chocolate cookie recipe that works for me, and it is OH SO EASY TO MAKE. I’m still finding it difficult to accept that these babies have a ton of sugar. Sometimes it helps a lot to try to make a favorite food from scratch to know what’s in it. Sadly in my case it’s sugar. Anyhoo, cookies are for comfort so I try no to feel so bad.

I got this recipe from Anna Olson’s Youtube video but I reduced the sugar just by a bit. I wasn’t able to make 24 cookies like she did in the video but I think it’s probably because I used a cookie scoop. Interestingly enough this recipe includes cornstarch! Anna said it helps create the crunchy outside-chewy inside finish, and judging by the finish product, it does help. Continue reading “The struggle is real: Chocolate Chip Cookies!”

For Pinch of Yum: Help!

So as a stay at home wife (for now), I know I need to up my cooking and baking game. I rely on internet people, because if it’s on the internet then it must be legit and the best there is, right? Right.

You have no idea how many times I have tried and failed making BASIC chocolate chip cookies. I have finally found the recipe that I want to master and that is from Pinch of Yum. What made me decide to follow Lindsay’s recipe is that 1) she got photos of the dough. Oh dear god you have no idea how useful photos are!!! 2) They lived in the Philippines which is where I am from.

That’s basically it.

Continue reading “For Pinch of Yum: Help!”

Boxed Baker: Cinnamon Swirl Crumb Cake

For my first Boxed Baker entry, I give you Cinnamon Swirl Crumble Cake!!!

When we buy stuff to bake, my hubby usually chooses what to get. By default we would always have banana bread mix. He also likes crumb cakes and whatever has cinnamon. For this mix we bought Krusteaz Cinnamon Swirl Crumb Cake and Muffin Mix. Some of you might say that these ready mixes are not really healthy and I should make food from scratch and stuff like that, but hey, let me do my stuff. I will eventually get there.

So anyway here it is! Continue reading “Boxed Baker: Cinnamon Swirl Crumb Cake”